Single-cell RNA-seq of human fallopian tubes


This repo is associated with the publication:

Zhiyuan Hu, Mara Artibani, Abdulkhaliq Alsaadi, Nina Wietek, Matteo Morotti, Tingyan Shi, Zhe Zhong, Laura Santana Gonzalez, Salma El-Sahhar, Mohammad KaramiNejadRanjbar, Garry Mallett, Yun Feng, Kenta Masuda, Yiyan Zheng, Kay Chong, Stephen Damato, Sunanda Dhar, Leticia Campo, Riccardo Garruto Campanile, Vikram Rai, David Maldonado-Perez, Stephanie Jones, Vincenzo Cerundolo, Tatjana Sauka-Spengler, Christopher Yau *, Ahmed A. Ahmed *. (2020). The repertoire of serous ovarian cancer non-genetic heterogeneity revealed by single-cell sequencing of normal fallopian tube epithelial cells. Cancer Cell. Volume 37, Issue 2: p226-242. doi:

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File description

There are four file folders corresponding to different parts in the manuscript.

1. Culture effects

We used differential expression (DE) analysis and pseudotime analysis to compare the freshly dissociated cells and cultured cells.

2. QC by CNVs

Before we entering the “true” analysis, we must do some QC steps to avoid the inclusion of tumour cells into our analysis. A key characteristics of HGSOC cells is the frequent copy number variants (CNVs), which is similar to the glioblastoma cells.

3. Clustering

The part contains the some key coding for the manuscript.

4. Deconvolution

In the last part, we used the information obtained by scRNA-seq to deconvolute TCGA, AOCS and other datasets from CuratedOvarianData.


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